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KMH Touches Eco Dental Innovation is committed to bringing you environmentally-conscious, quality dental care products. Good for you, good for the environment.

How it all began...

Awakened by scenes of wildlife destroyed by the tons of indestructible plastic garbage disposed worldwide, we decided it was time to step up and offer a small way to begin to minimize the damage.

Our goal at KMH is to create new and innovative zero-waste dental products. We began with Brush with Bamboo™ Plant Based Bristle Toothbrushes, and continue with our globally recognized, authentically certified, 100% USDA accredited bio-based dental flosses made of silk and PLA from corn.*

It’s simply TIME FOR CHANGE.

(Please be aware that images and videos on this site may be disturbing)

Since 1938, 9.2 billion cubic tons of plastic waste has been generated world-wide with only 9% being recycled.

1.4 billion pounds ends up in the ocean every year and it’s deadly to marine life.


The short film Albatross, was very influential in our decision to pursue compostable and waste-free products. We are committed to doing what we can to reduce waste and save wildlife and support film creator Chris Jordan's efforts to bring awareness to environmental issues.

Plastic waste is a “weapon of mass destruction.” We owe it to future generations to protect their world.

Plastic is forever

Plastic toothbrushes that were produced in the late 1930’s are still on the planet today. They are washing up due to trade winds, after typhoons and natural disasters. We are assaulted daily with images of the devastation plastic waste is creating for wildlife on Earth. “More waste than fish in the oceans by 2050,” according to BBC.

This was never the intent. Plastic was invented for practical reasons, and recycled properly can be reused again and again. However, it is NOT being recycled properly. We have to start somewhere. Our Brush with Bamboo™ toothbrush is that start.

Colourful floating plastics not only look like food to wildlife, but also smell like food. Plastic is a breeding ground for algae and as that algae breaks down it emits the odor of kelp which attracts sea creatures. Once ingested, it can not be digested and offers no nutritional value. The result is starvation and death.

We have to start somewhere

Our goal is to provide dental products that are eco-friendly, compostable and that have been awarded certifications that are globally recognized. Flosspot™ jars can be refilled and recycled along with all parts of the packaging. Stickers, bags and package windows are bio-based and will decompose. Brush with Bamboo™ toothbrushes are compostable. Eco-dental is a small part of minimizing the impact of waste on the world.

Our products are not just good for wildlife, they're good for YOUR life

When the first decision of your day is to choose natural products (toothbrush, paste and floss). Like dominoes, your decision not to ingest plastic throughout the day is reflected. Straws, cups and cutlery can be chosen in natural materials, such as glass, stainless steel, bamboo, or paper. Since the mouth is the entrance to the body, removing plaque before you sleep, (brushing/flossing) ensures non ingestion of that plaque while you sleep.

(Brushing and flossing with natural products seems to make more sense than using plastic in the mouth and under the gum line. – Harvard Medical School)

We have elegant refillable alternatives to plastic dental that make sense:

We only have one earth. It’s our responsibility to take care of it.

*FlosspotTM Gold 100% USDA bio-based rating allows 3% margin of error.


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